onsdag 27 januari 2010


Jag är jättedeppig. Inte "jag är korkad och alla är dumma mot mig"-deppig, utan riktigt jävla superdeppig. Jag vet inte vad jag ska göra. Allt känns jävligt hopplöst. Tomt. Jobbigt. Jag önskar att allt hade varit en liten gnutta enklare. I also wish I could write in English, 'cause everything is sooo much easier in English! I feel a lot better when I speak and write in English. And as nothing's holding me back, I might as well give it a go. Maybe I should just emigrate? I could go to the US and visit my cousin, or maybe even go see Justin. Man, that would be so much fun. I'd love to live there when I grow up. Or perhaps somewhere in England? Scotland maybe? Oh, I'm really too tired to carry on this monologue. I'm gonna brush my teeth and hair, and then I'm gonna listen to Harry before I go to sleep. Good night, ya'll.

You bumped into the ceiling which now has to be washed and sterilized, so you get nothing! You lose! Good day sir!

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